Timestamping every transaction
MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) is a new regulation framework that improves transparency for securities markets, investment intermediaries and trading venues in the EU. The new regulation requests a 100-microsecond accuracy against UTC in the application layer, which in most cases means single-digit microsecond accuracy at the physical layer. Transparency is key in financial markets. Authorities need to be able to correlate information about each and every reportable event in order to prevent trading irregularities and market abuse. This data is also invaluable in tracking down failures in the highly complex trading system.
Making the financial world more transparent
Accurate timestamping of every transaction is a vital part of operating financial markets in a fair, secure and efficient way.

Deploying our atomic clocks enables networks to survive outages of satellite- and network-based time supply for weeks or even months.
Migration from NTP to PTP
Highly precise timing with Precision Time Protocol (PTP) enables the accuracy needed for financial transactions.

Time as a service
An essential step towards meeting regulatory requirements for timing accuracy in trading networks is the transition from NTP to PTP. Financial markets and their institutions often rely on time-as-a-service (TaaS) providers to synchronize their business clocks. The providers deliver accurate, traceable and verifiable time synchronization and are required to provide auditable proof of the quality of their services. To ensure optimum service, it’s essential for providers to verify the quality of the TaaS delivered and trigger immediate action if any deviations occur.
Assuring synchronization delivery
Intelligent probes can monitor the performance of PTP flows and compare recovered timing information against precise GNSS-sourced time.

Making sure your network is in sync
Oscilloquartz is supporting the finance market and TaaS providers with a comprehensive product portfolio for delivery and assurance of precise synchronization. Harnessing these products enables a smooth transition from legacy NTP to highly precise PTP. The unique portfolio provides the tools to improve the resiliency of synchronization networks by introducing advanced grandmaster and long-holdover atomic clocks as well as redundant GNSS concepts. Our products deliver the accurate timing that financial venues require.
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