Synchronization management
Comprehensive management
As synchronization and precise timing grow in importance to support advanced applications and services, centralized visibility and control of the timing environment become essential to network operations. A management and control platform is needed that provides continuous, real-time insight into the entire synchronization infrastructure, enabling network operators to optimize existing topologies, detect synchronization loops and prevent outages. Effective management of all synchronization elements supports simple, cost-effective and efficient monitoring, enabling today’s networks to support the needs of tomorrow’s applications.
Integrated technology
Our Ensemble Sync Director offers integrated discovery, display, configuration and monitoring of synchronization networks and an intuitive graphical user interface for simplified, cost-effective operations.

Built into all Oscilloquartz equipment, our Sync Survey identifies existing and potential problems, helping you take control of your synchronization performance and make major savings.
Total control
For comprehensive management services, including fault, configuration, performance, security and operational management, our Ensemble Sync Director is ideal.

End-to-end visibility
Our Ensemble Sync Director, in combination with our advanced Syncjack™ technology, assures perfect timing everywhere in the network. It provides unmatched flexibility, availability, scalability and performance. The Ensemble Sync Director supports the concept of topology maps as a way of viewing the entire synchronization infrastructure in graphical format. The virtual topology map view offers a simple representation of all configured timing network resources and the relationships between them. It’s capable of simultaneously displaying both the IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and the Synchronous Ethernet logical topology layer.
A new era of phase synchronization
With our Syncjack™ technology, you’re able to monitor the accuracy of your network's clocks every minute of every day.

Making synchronization visible
Built into all Oscilloquartz equipment, our Sync Survey identifies existing and potential problems, helping you take control of your synchronization performance and make major savings. Continuous and systematic performance measurements assure the precise delivery of timing information. And what’s more, our Ensemble Sync Director is a comprehensive synchronization management system that allows telecom operators to manage all Oscilloquartz elements up to hundreds of units via a remote Ethernet connection. The system offers a user friendly graphical interface with network and element views, making network management easy.
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