Nino De Falcis talks strategies to time-sync next-gen smart grids at PTTI
Session will explore strategies and technologies for building resilient, secure end-to-end power utility timing architectures
- Panel: Nino De Falcis, senior director, business development, Oscilloquartz, ADVA
- Topics: Best sync practices and architecture strategies for secure, resilient smart grids
- When: Thursday, January 27, 10:40 a.m. PST
- Where: Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA:
Smart grids with complex inverted distributed energy resources (DERs) like wind farms, solar plants, and battery storages require network time synchronization with new levels of accuracy and stability. What’s more, with cyber threats at an all-time high, sync strategies are urgently needed to prevent, defend, and mitigate the risk of utility networks being hacked and disabled. Protecting positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services is critical for precise synchronization, including accurately locating power line faults, synchronizing distributed control processes and load flows, and balancing power supply and demand by precisely timestamping data records.
In this session, Nino De Falcis will discuss best practices and architecture strategies to time-sync secure smart grids to the the highest level of the DHS Resilient PNT Conformance Framework, level 4. The talk will outline how to achieve trusted assurance, robustness, and compliance, even with the new IEEE P1259 PNT UE Standard in progress. Nino will also explore cost-effective sync architectures by type of grid site, from core to substation to DER, to empower grid operators to effectively plan synchronization for their complex, all-IP network digital transformation. Register to attend in person or online for January 27.