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White papers

White paper

Modeling and minimizing failure rate in a modular system

In modular systems, evaluating availability and analyzing risk is a complicated business. When each module contributes to the delivery of a service, calculating its overall reliability becomes a complex task. But that's the puzzle operators are facing when they look to model and minimize failure rates in a modular system and work out the benefits of redundant configurations.

When it comes to critical infrastructure - such as telecommunications, energy distribution, broadcasting or finance - operators need to be able to determine the best equipment configuration, which items must be provisioned as spare parts, and the degree of maintenance required to provide reliable services. That's why concepts such as mean time between failures (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR) are crucial.

In this white paper, we discuss what to consider and calculate when implementing a system with high levels of availability. We analyze different modular systems and evaluate configurations in which all modules operate in redundant mode. Read more to discover the key parameters for minimizing downtime, ensuring sufficient time to repair and delivering availability in the order of 99.9999% or better.